Friday, February 17, 2012

Medieval Baby House III

As I was taking pictures of the finished baby house, I realized that I hadn't yet posted a good picture of David Hurley's beautiful cabinet, so here it is:

The interior is very hard to photograph. It is almost impossible to get all four rooms in focus while still getting close enought to catch the detail.

The interior details are slightly different from my original design. I decided to make slightly more elegant brass andirons; the originals were black wrought iron. The "cloth of estate" behind the high table is a deep red instead of blue with fleurs-de-lis. I added a bit more furniture, and decided the chair near the fireplace in the hall should have a high back rather than a low one. I also added two little lap dogs on a cushion (porcelain, by Sylvia Mobley).

A tiny replica of the little pottery jug that inspired the project can be seen on the cupboard at the far left of the great hall.


  1. Da igual que no sea como el diseño, sigue siendo una autentica maravilla.
    Enhorabuena por el trabajo.

  2. The cabinet is stunning Nell! Just gorgeous inside and out!

  3. Goodness gracious, and I had problems adapting my hands to 1:12th scale !! amazing work and rather intimidating ! huggs

