Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Thomas Studio #2

I've finished building the side and back walls and have amost finished the interior walls and floor.

The walls are 1/64" birch plywood; the battens are .010 x .020 strip styrene. Because the grain of the plywood is on the large side for my scale, I painted the walls with acrylic craft paint rather than using the famous Thomas "Bug Juice." The weathering is done with watercolor pencil - wet or dry, depending on how dense I want the color to be.  The doorknob and the exterior shelves won't be put on until later so I won't knock them off when I'm working. Here is the left exterior:
And here is the other side.  The pieces on the plastic lid at the upper left of the picture are the legs and top of a shelf that will go next to the door on the inside.
Next: the roof.


  1. Es impresionante como puede hacer todo esto tan pequeño y tan perfecto. Como me gustaria poder asistir a una de sus clases, si algun dia viene por Europa le ruego hagamelo saber por si puedo ir a su clase.
    Muchas gracias y espero sus proximos post con ilusion.

    1. Gracias, Gemma. ¡Si alguna vez vengo a Europa, le avisaré!

  2. Wonderful work. I should like to try this scale but I'm afraid and I don't know how I must start.
