Tuesday, September 6, 2011

At last!

After disappearing into my studio for a month, I have new things to show.  First is that storybook style cottage I mentioned in my last post.  I'm calling it "Charming Cottage":
It's a somewhat smaller version of the Glencairn Cottage I made a couple of years ago.The chimney was inspired in part by the Hugh Comstock "Hansel" cottage in Carmel, CA. I loved the niche for the flowerpot in the chimney, so I just has to include it in my version.

It was a bit of a challenge putting the curve in the roof, but I managed it by bending 1/64" plywood with the grain.

The interior is a bit dark - just like the full size houses. There's a sitting room on the ground floor and a bedroom upstairs. The fireplace is the same asymmetrical shape as the chimney. On the right side of the bedroom is a tiny porcelain cat on a hassock by Sylvia Mobley, which unfortunately only partly shows in the picture. 

If you blow up the photos, you'll see that I really should have been sure to blow all the landscaping foam out of the house before I took the pictures!


  1. Oh, wow, Nell!
    It is wonderful!

  2. It was a wonderful post and I was amazed with your creativity. I love it. Thank you for sharing.

    condo manila

  3. Wonderful, Nell. Thank you for posting pictures.

  4. Greetings Nell. Love your magnificent Glencairn cottage project. The small house looks indeed fantastic with Hansel cottage like chimney. The landscaping was also beautiful. Oh, need any concrete project to complete in San Francisco? Well, SF concrete is the service that should be check out at least ones.
