Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Gate House: Second Floor

 This is the front of the gate house, with the second story installed.  The second story overhangs the first on all sides, which helps to create a larger living area.

I've added a fireplace on one of the side walls. The open box you see in  the second picture is actually the stairwell, which is closed in so that the stairs won't be visible in the finished piece.

I tend to avoid building stairs unless it's absolutely necessary. They take a lot of time, making the piece more expensive without adding that much interest to the interior.

With the larger second floor, I felt that the house was beginning to overwhelm the base, so after these pictures were taken, I added a 3/8" piece to the front to make room for more landscaping.


  1. Love the windows in the little gatehouse, and like your idea of hiding the stairs if they aren't going to add to the look of the finished piece.

  2. WOW!!! how you manage to build these teeny tiny houses is beyond me. Like Margaret I LOVE those gorgeous windows.
    I cannot wait to see your booth at the Tom Bishop show in Chicago next April. I am so looking forward to seeing your work in person.

  3. This gatehouse is turning out fabulous! So much detail!!
