Friday, March 27, 2009

Another Baby House

This is the three room version. It's an order that is being delivered at Chicago International.

Gilbert really outdid himself on this cabinet. Isn't the trompe l'oiel design on the door amazing? He does marquetry floors, as well, though they don't show in the picture.

There's a porcelain dog on a cushion by Sylvia Mobely in front of the fireplace on the middle floor.

No, I didn't do this in one day! It was already finished, but I hadn't photographed it yet.

Size: 7 7/8"h x 3"w (closed) x 2" deep

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Single Room Baby House

This single room cabinet house was inspired by the Dutch and English "baby" houses of the 1700's ("baby" was the word for "doll" at the time.) The furnishings are in the style of the 1740's. This piece gives me a chance to do lots of faux marble, something I really enjoy.
The beautiful walnut and exotic wood cabinet is by my friend Gilbert Mena; a very talented artist, as you can see. There is a frosted glass skylight in the top. which creates a nice, dramatic lighting effect. I wanted to take the picture before installing the glass front, so there is a slight gap between the column tops and the "roof" which won't be there when everything is glued into place.
I also make three room and ten room baby houses, for which Gilbert makes even more elaborate cabinets. One of the ten room versions, now part of a museum collection, is shown in the small picture at the right.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Still going for Baroque

This one is taking a bit longer than I had anticipated - not an unusual situation! It should be ready for its closeup tonight.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Going for Baroque (style, that is!)

I'm finishing up a very elegant single room "baby house" in a lovely 1:12 scale cabinet by Gilbert Mena. This baby house could have been owned by any wealthy European woman of the earlt 18th Century.

Pictures tomorrow!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Irish Cottage

This piece was already finished, but I thought it would be appropriate for St. Patrick's Day. In the background is the village of Carlingford, Co. Louth.

Erin go bragh, everyone!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cozy Cotage Interior

Just a sitting room and bedroom with English country style furnishings. Cooking could be done on the range built into the fireplace.
A dog on a cushion by Sylvia Mobley will be lying in front of the bedroom fireplace, but he hasn't arrived yet.

Cozy Cottage - 4

All finished!
The landscaping makes a big difference. Notice the built in bench on the side wall.
The tiny flowerpots are by Braxton Payne.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cozy Cottage - 3

It's the unusual roof that gives this cottage its character.
I use "N" scale shingles and add weathering with watercolor pencils.
I'm working on furniture now; landscaping and exterior details are always last.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cozy Cotttage - 2

I have been putting shingles on the roof - not a fun job in any scale!

The cottage will look much better with it's "hat" on. New photos tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cozy Cottage

This is a much smaller piece than the last one - a two room cottage of half timber with stone infill.
The stone technique is the same I used for the castle. The plaster walls are achieved with acrylic gesso, stippled on to add texture. The timbers are milled wood, stained with Minwax pens because it's less messy.
I usually finish the interiors as I go up, as I am doing here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New House in Progress

I've started a new house after a bout of the flu.

"Cozy Cottage" is a design I've done before, so I'm working from notes. First photos tonight or tomorrow.